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Inspirational, informative and thought provoking, our blog includes daily practices, yoga techniques, recipes and reflections on current and ancient trends in yoga.


All is Complete

This verse from the Isha Upanishad is radical. The notion that you and I and everything the world over is complete (purnam) seems absurd. Today you can find a million and one things wrong with the state of affairs—wars, famine, racial injustice, the high price of groceries. But this teaching …

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The Path of the Seeker

The path we travel is the path of the seeker. As you traipse down the long road of practice day after day, year after year, you have to have a deep yearning to see through the thick fog of delusion and confusion. When and exactly how the seeker manifests is …

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Taking Sides

We live in a divided world, one that breaks and splinters into many pieces. In this election year this is all too evident. Issues of gender, race, class and religion take center stage. In a divided world whether it be in politics, family, or religion – people end up taking sides. …

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A Spolight on Surya’s Teaching

By Courtney Zenner, RYT-200 and MFA candidate Surya Little is the senior teacher who co-founded Prajna Yoga with her husband, Tias Little. Surya’s teaching foundation includes diverse influences: abundant experience in classical Astanga and Iyengar yoga, including four years of training in India; a complementary background in Five Element theory …

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Back to School

This is the time of year when I feel the old tug to go back to school. The lengthening shadows, the touch of color in the tree tops, and the crisp morning air switch on something in my brainstem: a time to hone in and be the student. It has …

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Tug of War

In one of my favorite Indian myths the Gods and Demons take sides in a giant game of tug-of-war. They compete over who will win the prized treasure, the nectar of immortality buried deep under the ocean. They heave and ho pulling from opposite ends of a long cord which is none …

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The Lotus Heart and the Body Politic

In yoga, the lotus is the quintessential symbol for transformation. Along the scaffolding of the spine the ancients imagined the power centers to be like a garland of water borne flowers. And now the body politic is being reimagined by Kamala (the Lotus!) Harris. Her sudden blossoming sure brings hope and …

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The Yoga of Tea

For thousands of years all across Asia, making tea could be likened to yoga practice. Brewing a fine cup of chai includes all the hallmarks of yoga–patience, stillness, an attitude of respect, and refined sensory awareness. The art of tea involves the process of fusion, steeping the leaves so that the …

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Olympic Effortless Effort

What astonishing feats of the human body evident at the Paris Olympics! Performances demonstrate great determination, focus and dedication — all central qualities of a yoga practice. From the yogic point of view, the top Olympic performers exemplify the utmost attribute necessary on the path of yoga — effort without …

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Alchemy + Aim